Holy Kailas
by Buddha Bose
Before taking my readers straight into the subject matter of my book, I consider it my duty to state by way of introduction “why and what made me go to the Holy Kailas and Manasrovar.” In the year of 1947, when I was on my way to the United States of America, I met with an air crash, as a result of which my face and hands were burnt and the spine was fractured. I was under medical treatment in Beirut and also in the United States. Medical Science did a wonder cure to my face and hands but unfortunately could not do anything to my fractured spine except putting a steel jacket round my waist. After my return to India I suffered a lot with my spine which was gradually becoming worse. I consulted many doctors but to no effect. I was getting fever and was confined to bed. After realizing that I was beyond human cure, I decided to go to Sree Kedar and Badrinath. I came to this decision because I heard the doctors say that I would have spinal tuberculosis and paralysis of the legs. So I decided to pray to God and leave myself entirely to His mercy and planned to go to the Holy shrines of the Himalayas and to the Holy Kailas and Manasrovar. This was not my first visit to these places. In the year 1940 I was there and had the opportunity to see the spiritual power of those Holy Places, and that divine influence made me think to go there. The 21st of May, 1948 was my scheduled date to leave Calcutta and it so happened that on the 19th, just two days before my departure, my eldest son dropped from the swing and broke his arm. The condition of my mind at that time may well be imagined. I gave up all hopes of getting cured at the Holy places of the Himalayan Ranges by Divine Power. But Bivake (conscience) gave strength to my mind and said “Have faith in God.” So, surrendering completely to God, I left Calcutta on the 21st of May, the scheduled date. When there was only a few miles journey left to reach Sree Kedarnath I had an attack of high fever with a temperature of 103 degrees. This made me give up all hopes to reach my destination. Next day, I do not know how, I got strength of mind and I decided to go ahead even at the risk of my life. Somehow I managed to reach Sree Kedarnath inspite of high fever. The sight of the snow peaks of the Kedarnath Range and the age-old Temple which was built by the ‘Pandavas’ to mark the place where they met “Sadasiva” on their way to Mahaprasthan thrilled my mind with Spiritual Vibration. After washing my face, hand and feet in the holy river Mandarin I sat down inside the Dharamsala (rest-house) to do my regular prayers. When I took 4 or 5 Pranayam breathings I heard the Divine Voice of Lord Siva directing me to observe certain performances for my cure. I threw away the steel jacket I was wearing and obeyed the Divine Voice. It took me 26 hours at a stretch to complete the ritual performances — sitting in one Asana. When this was done, I went to the river Mandarin and took my bath. From there I entered the Temple and after uttering the ‘Stotras’ (verses) for half and hour, when I came out of the Temple, to my great wonder and surprise there was no pain in the spine and I was completely cured. Since then I am without the steel jacket. This is the Divine Power which I experienced there and this moved me so much that I thought it my duty to show these places to all, to inspire many to go and visit the places. I took a colour movie picture of those holy places so that I might give a little glimpse of these places to those who might not be able to undertake the travel inspite of their wishes. Accordingly I showed the film at different places throughout the country and every where my patrons requested me to write a book giving a detailed description of the route to the Holy Shrines. This is what prompted me to bring out this publication. I shall consider my labour amply rewarded if it serves the purpose for which it is meant. For the convenience of my readers I have tried my level best to make the following pages as much illustrative as possible. |